
What is QbCheck?

QbCheck is an objective test that can be used in the early identification, assessment and treatment of ADHD.


Why is it important?

In addition to assessment and management of ADHD, QbCheck can add important clinical information in the process of differentiating ADHD from similar disorders, improves the diagnostic accuracy, and shorten the time to diagnosis. It assists in recognising hard to identify girls and teenagers with ADHD. The test is also effective during treatment follow-up.


Is it a confirmatory test for ADHD?

The test is not designed to be a stand-alone tool for the diagnosis of ADHD. Rather, it should be seen as a key component in the assessment together with other clinical data such a structured clinical interview and subjective information from validated rating scales.


Is QbCheck a valid test?

QbCheck is based on a representative control group, has high validity when used to discriminate ADHD from normative individuals, and high test-retest reliability. QbCheck is based on the same principal test structure as QbTest and therefore benefit from the same documentation as QbTest including peer-reviewed studies showing improvements in diagnostic precision, differential diagnosis and clinical outcomes when used in addition to other relevant clinical information.


How does QbCheck work?

The test involves motion tracking systems and computerized tasks that requires continuous attention and impulse control. As a result, the test uses age and gender matched comparisons to provide data on all core signs of ADHD, that is, hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention.


How is QbCheck carried out?

QbCheck combines a computer task with breakthrough facial recognition technology by use of a web camera. During the test an individual uses the spacebar to respond to targets and his or her motor activity is registered by the web camera. No images are captured during the test. A qualified test administrator observes the individual during the test.


In what age group the test can be carried out?

The tests can be used in children and adults, (6-60 years). The computerized tasks differ in cognitive demand between the child version (go-no go paradigm) and the adolescent/adult version (unconditional identical pair paradigm).


How long it takes to complete the test?

The test takes approximately 15- 20 min depending on the individual’s age. It is advised to allow additional preparation time due to set up of equipment and instructions, etc.


Is a consent required?

If an individual is under the age of 18years, a parental / guardian consent is mandatory before the test. If an individual is 18 years or above, they can provide consent.


Who carries out a QbCheck?

QbCheck is carried out by qualified educational and healthcare professionals. QbCheck results will be interpreted only by qualified School Doctor professionals.


Who can refer?

You can self-refer or alternatively, ask your GP or School SENCO to support a referral.


How much will this cost?

School Doctor total price is £180.


How can I book an appointment?

Please complete the contact form below and we will endeavour to reply within 24-48 hours.